News • Politics
When Fear is used as a weapon, one must arm themselves with knowledge

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Your masks wont silence us.
Your shut downs wont stop us.
Your riots don't scare us.

Faith defeats fakery.
Infiltration is not immigration.
Idealism is not realism.
Religion is not God.

Do not believe, discern. Do not trust, verify.
Do not conform, Rebel. Do not Submit, Refuse.
Do not line up, Step out! DO not obey, Resist!
Do not kneel, stand.
We stand Togethe
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2000 Mules

2000 Mules... because Rumble Keeps taking it off my channel

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Public Zoom Video Call [FE debate] - [Salvaged Scheduled Stream]

Public Zoom Video Call [FE debate] - [Salvaged Scheduled Stream]
This was a major bust, but i salvaged it by having a public debate.
Full Failed Livestream =)

Suzie , my guest, was on CA time and missed the interview. I opened it up to the public and found a glober who joined, and we still had a pretty good FE debate

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣What do these events have in Common: Hiroshima [Bombing], [Spanish] 'flu' of 1918, Moon Landing?

⁣⁣⁣⁣What do these events have in Common: Hiroshima [Bombing], [Spanish] 'flu' of 1918, Moon Landing?

What do these events have in Common:
Hiroshima [Bombing]
The Spanish flu of 1918,
the moon landing?

So... consider ....

    • USA Nuclear strike on Hiroshima in WW2 ...
      -The Spanish flu of 1918
      -and the moon landing.

But also consider this:
their [Cabal] power doesnt come from Reality. It comes from the PERCEPTION of reality.

the only REAL wealth in this world is.... knowledge.
Which you acquire from applying information.
So they weaponized information......

These three events all have the hallmarks of a faked, staged event, with the purpose of convincing the public of a BIG lie. A lie So big, the public would never believe it....unless they convince us with fake "proof"

So, how to get people to take poison vaccines..? make them think they saved the world in 1920.

⁣Jim Breuer and An0moly on The Narrative of the Day

Where's our tax money going?! An0maly blows Jim Breuer's mind 🤯

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LOCALS IS only open for those who may want to support. There will be NO EXCLUSIVE posts here because AS you know, i Feel information should be free. Period.

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16 Emergency Landings Proving Flat Earth by Eddie Alencar (PDF)
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